Mehr Infos


High development speed due to rapid insights

Resource-intensive trials and product testing can often only determine the consequences of a problem: Deformation, overheating, condensation…

Realistic simulation can provide valuable input both in the complex identification of possible faults and in proposing solutions to correct them. Since simulation means that fewer, if any, prototypes need to be built, development costs are reduced.

With simulations, you have the entire system in view. A load analysis on an assembly usually examines only one local point. Once a simulation has been carried out, the adjacent components are also analyzed and you automatically get a broader horizon.

We have a wide variety of simulation programs in-house, also for special applications. For example CFD-Star CCM+, Ansys, LS-Dyna and OptiSLang

The following list gives you an overview of what we can do for you in the area of simulation:

  • Static simulation, implicit structural mechanics
      • Linear and non-linear calculations, strength analysis
      • Plastic material behavior
      • Fiber-reinforced plastics with anisotropic material behavior
      • Mechanical and thermal loads
      • Collision and contact issues
      • Creep and settling behavior
      • Rotating systems, angular velocities and angular accelerations
      • Design point studies, parameter optimizations
      • Modal analyses
  • Dynamic simulation, explicit structural mechanics
      • Highly nonlinear systems
      • Accelerations and braking (drop test, impact/crash)
      • Forming processes, anisotropic material behavior
  • Flow simulation, computational fluid dynamics CFD
      • Cooling analyses (oil, water, air)
      • Vesicle formation analysis
      • Design optimization for heat transfer
      • Thermal management for electronics, motors, batteries…
      • Multiphase analysis
  • System simulation
      • Design of complete systems in the simulation program
      • Electromechanical systems
      • Fluidics with conveying
      • Thermal management
  • Tolerance analysis
      • Two-dimensional and three-dimensional analysis of assemblies taking into account shape and position tolerances
      • Moving systems
      • Stressed systems
  • Troubleshooting products in the market
      • Merging of development and production data for a statistical analysis of the system
      • Parameter studies for the analysis of important influencing factors
  • Virtual verification
      • Verification is now also recognized via simulations, thus saving costs for prototype or pilot series build, test and analysis
      • Feel free to contact us if you are interested in this. We will be happy to advise you!
  • Validation of the simulation results in our test laboratory
      • Force measurements, tensile tests
      • Individual test setups
      • Determination of material parameters

Develop resourcefully with a proactive approach. And make better decisions as a result!

Tools: Ansys Mechanical, Ansys LS-DYNA, Simcenter STAR-CCM, Ansys optiSLang, CETOL 6σ

Project examples: Thermal management of a battery storage, management of temperature and electromagnetism of an electric motor, optimization of parameters of a test field belt in diabetes, crash analysis of an infusion pump, aeroacoustic analysis of a compact fan, tolerance optimization for safe manufacturability of a blood glucose meter.

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B&W Engineering und Datensysteme GmbH
Grenzstraße 9-11
D-70435 Stuttgart


Tel. +49-711-136714-0
Fax +49-711-8262436