Mehr Infos


A smooth transition of development into production

Less stumbling blocks and effort in production and supplier support

Tools: STAVEX, Process.Net

Project examples: Blood glucose meter, irrigation pump, infusion pump

Even the best development can lose some potential due to production difficulties. We have a range of services for you that aims to make the industrialization of your product smooth and efficient:

  • For us, industrialization begins with the pre-selection and evaluation of potential suppliers. We relieve your purchasing department by supporting you in the qualification of your suppliers. Alternatively, we can recommend competent partners from our network.
  • During the development project, we manage the interface to the supplier in consultation with you.
  • The pre-assessment of initial sample inspection reports (ISIR) costs time and nerves. We test the first prototype and series parts on your behalf and improve the manufacturing process together with the supplier. This gives you a clean basis for releasing the ISIRs.
  • Design Qualification (DQ), Installation Qualification (IQ), Operation Qualification (OQ) and Process Qualification (PQ) are all part of industrialization. We will gladly accompany you in these phases and take care of the supplier interface.
  • Series production at a contract manufacturer is widespread. Accordingly, support from the development side is necessary for this production. We have experience here with European and Asian manufacturers and can take over this part for you.
  • For special applications, we will be happy to design a customized assembly workstation for you. This allows you to concentrate on the essentials of production planning.

Fewer stumbling blocks and effort in production planning and supplier support

Tools: STAVEX, Process.Net

Project examples: Blood glucose meter, irrigation pump, infusion pump

Less stumbling blocks and effort in production and supplier support

Tools: STAVEX, Process.Net

Project examples: Blood glucose meter, irrigation pump, infusion pump

Our Know How – Your Project

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Our Know How – Your Project

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B&W Engineering und Datensysteme GmbH
Grenzstraße 9-11
D-70435 Stuttgart


Tel. +49-711-136714-0
Fax +49-711-8262436